Written By Darius Davie

Hustlers.  They’re a different breed — not everyone is built to be one.  Barack Obama, Bill Gates, Tyler Perry, Sean “Diddy” Combs, DJ Khaled and Tom Ford.  These are just a few notable American hustlers we’ve watched come up over the years.  Clearly, it was no overnight success for these guys, but by enduring the trials and tribulations they faced along the way, they earned the respect and adoration of millions, on top of making themselves some good coin.  They all took different routes to find success, but there’s a common thread that runs through every “Hustler”. Hustlers are leaders, strong communicators, and doers. Hustlers are learners, always curious, and humble enough to be taught.  Sound like you? If so, here are handful of tips that might help streamline your way to the top.


Identify Your Skills

If you have a passion, or a hobby that you’ve enjoyed since childhood, it could very well be something that could be turned into a hustle.  Maybe it’s something you were curious about, don’t have experience in, but have skills that can translate into success. Whatever the case may be, it’s critical to identify your skills.  Think back, what came natural to you, what did others say you did well? Whether its being an effective organizer, gifted orator, or proficient with your hands, those skills can be constructed into a viable venture.


Understand the Climate

In order to play the game, you have to know the players, past and present. You have to be a student. You have to love the process of learning.  Before stepping into any venture or hustle, study your market, find out what’s been successful, find out what has failed. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.  Just bring your something special to the table, and build on what has already worked in the past.




Stay Consistent

You can’t finish a race without crossing the finish line.  You have to be relentless, even when you’re tired. It’s the same when it comes to discovering your hustle.  It almost never goes the way you planned. But, that’s why consistency is essential. It’s the differentiator between the winners and the quitters.  It allows for you to go back to the drawing board, deconstruct, and reevaluate ideas and processes that need work. This is imperative, especially as industries are constantly changing.  You’ll be able to withstand any of the bs (which is unavoidable) that comes your way.


Build Your Community

Without this, there is no hustle. No matter how the movies make it seem, you can’t do it alone.  You need early adopters, people who believe in you enough to share it with the world. But you have to create this community.  So, whether you generate leads and send out marketing emails, or you hand out physical promotional material, the people need to know who you are and what you offer.  Trust — if you’re selling something that people desperately need, it will sell itself. But your community is invaluable, they give you the feedback to make the necessary improvements to take it to the next level.


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